John Yardley 
28 opere ad acquarello
A cura di/Edited by Marco Fazzini

Pagine: 12, ill.
Formato: cm.15x21
Anno: 2019

PREZZO: € 3,00

John Yardley dipinge in tutte le stagioni. Viaggia in lungo e in largo in Europa e in Gran Bretagna, e i suoi dipinti sono delle istantanee uniche del quotidiano scattate durante il ventesimo e ventumesimo secolo.

John Yardley paints in all seasons. He travels far and wide across Europe and Britain, and his paintings are unique snapshots of everyday life taken during the 20th and 21st centuries.

John Yardley è noto come uno dei grandi maestri della sua generazione. Nato a Beverly, Yorkshire, ha iniziato a dipingere nel 1986 dopo una carriera nel settore bancario. L'assenza di una educazione formale gli ha permesso di creare uno stile dalla assoluta libertà creativa che cattura magistralmente la vitalità, il movimento, e la luce d'una scena. Yardley è stato oggetto di alcuni documentari sull'acquarello, e sulla sua opera sono stati scritti diversi libri, tra cui: The Paintings of John Yardley (di Ron Ranson) e il recente As I See It (di Steve Hall).

Principali pubblicazioni: The Art of John Yardley, di Ron Ransom (1990, David & Charles); Sunlight in Watercolour (1991, Video: APV Films); Venice in Watercolour (1995, Video: APV Films); Watercolour. A Personal View (1996, David & Charles); John Yardley, di Susanne Haines (2000, Halsgrove); Variety in Watercolour (2001, Video: APV Films); John Yardley. As I See It, di Steve Hall (2009, Halstar); Watercolour Moments (2019, Video: APV Films.

John Yardley
 is a British painter best known for his naturalistic depictions of landscapes, interiors, and street scenes. Yardley’s watercolors capture the essential aspects of each scene with economic brushstrokes that focus on the accuracy of light and color rather than detail. The artist cites Edwrd Seago and Edward Wesson as major influences on his work. Born on March 11, 1933 in Beverley, United Kingdom, Yardley never received formal art training. In 1986, after working as a banker for most of his life, he devoted himself to a career in art. The artist is a member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolor and frequently exhibits at the Royal Watercolor Society and the Jonathan Grant Gallery in Auckland, New Zealand. Yardley travels extensively year round but predominantly lives and works in the United Kingdom

Main Publications: The Art of John Yardley, di Ron Ransom (1990, David & Charles); Sunlight in Watercolour (1991, Video: APV Films); Venice in Watercolour (1995, Video: APV Films); Watercolour. A Personal View (1996, David & Charles); John Yardley, di Susanne Haines (2000, Halsgrove); Variety in Watercolour (2001, Video: APV Films); John Yardley. As I See It, di Steve Hall (2009, Halstar); Watercolour Moments (2019, Video: APV Films.

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